Last night was a wild night for the DFW area! Storms last night produced hail the size of baseballs and some hail even bigger than that! The storms had the biggest impact on the south eastern parts of Denton county and north western Dallas county near Coppell and Carrollton where hail near 3.25″ was reported.
(photo above by viewer Brian) Coppell TX
(photos above taken by our lead developer Joshua W) Irving TX
Many were woken to the sound of either gusty winds, lightning, or the loud banging sound of hail hitting their windows and roofs. The Dallas Morning News reports that an estimate of 20,000 homes and 25,000 vehicles in the storms path were reported to have damage, this damage could lead to $425 Million in damages, meaning this will be one of the costliest storms so far this year!
Above is the hail track by radar from last nights storm. DFW Airport reported a 59mph wind gust and half inch hail as the storm passed.
Hail is produced as rain droplets are carried into strong updrafts within a thunderstorm. As these rain droplets are carried up they enter cold temperatures at and bellow freezing and start to stick to other freezing rain droplets and start to grow in size before being pushed up and out and fall to the earth. Updrafts exceeding 100mph are supportive for large hail around the size of golf balls to Baseballs
If you have photos you’d like to share with us and have us post here or on our media sites, share them with us by either emailing us- or tag us in a post on any of our media outlets @weather225dfw.
If you would like to advertise your business for hail/roof repairs send us an email for add space here on our site or on promoted posts-
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